Massachusetts City Considering Soda Ban Modeled After NYC Proposal

The concern that New York City’s proposed ban on the sale of large-size sodas and other sugary beverages may spill over to other cities is becoming a reality. According to The Boston Globe, Cambridge, MA Mayor Henrietta Davis proposed the idea of a similar sugary drink ban at a city council meeting last night, stating that “in addition to being an obesity threat, soda is one of the contributing factors to an increasing rate in diabetes and heart disease amongst younger people.”

Davis’ said the ban would be modeled after New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s which would prevent the sale of drinks containing more than 25 calories per 8 oz. serving in packages larger than 16 ounces that are served at restaurants, delis, and movie theaters. Drinks that contain 100 percent juice, diet drinks, drinks getting half of their calories from dairy or dairy substitutes, and alcoholic drinks would be exempt from the ban.

Although members of the Cambridge city council appeared to have a positive stance on the ban, the group voted to refer the proposal to its health subcommittee to explore. And amidst concerns that the NYC’s proposed sugary drink ban has a caused a backlash of criticism, one member of the council also recommended that Cambridge wait to make any final decision until the issue has “sorted itself out in New York.”