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Suppliers: Equipment, Lab, Machinery , Suppliers: Packaging, Labeling


AstraPouch North America is proud to introduce the latest product in wine and spirits packaging that will revolutionize the industry...

Replacing heavy glass bottles and bulky bag in box packaging, the light weight Astropaq® is a durable, convenient and eco-friendly way to bring wine and spirits to the consumer market.

Here are the facts:

  • The filled Astropaq® is 98 percent wine and only 2 percent packaging by weight
  • The 1.5L Astropaq® has an 80% lower carbon footprint than two bottles of wine
  • 1 truck load of empty Astropaq® equals 14 truck loads of empty glass bottles
  • Chills fast, 14 minutes in the Astropaq® versus 40 minutes in a glass, using less energy
  • Resealable and stays fresh for up to one month after opening
  • No cork waste
  • Avoids the "no glass at beach" rule


Beer pouch growlers, with patented vented cap to prevent carbonation from bursting the bag.

To-Go pouches are an easy take-out solution.

Astromini pouches for mixed drinks, slushies and whatever else your heart desires.

A wide variety of filling machines designed to keep oxygen out of the packaging so your product can be tasted the way you intended it to be.

Cold brew pouches let you in on the rapidly expanding cold brew market.

