S. Kamberg & Company

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Suppliers: Ingredients


S. Kamberg & Company is an Industrial Ingredient Broker servicing as a direct sales representative for our Shippers that we represent in the New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia Market Place.

S. Kamberg & Company has expanded over the past 50 years to become one of the leading Ingredient Brokers in the Northeast.
Over the years our business has represented the leading ingredient suppliers in their industry. A great deal of our success is owed to the maintenance of the special relationships we share with the Shippers, Growers and Processors that we represent. These relationships have led to a high level of trust & collaboration, enabling us to provide our customers with better quality, service and pricing.  
We at S. Kamberg don’t just sell product we explore new opportunities, exchange ideas, and help find ways for our customers to purchase ingredients more cost effectively by taking positions on products when the right market opportunities are available.


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