Knetic Energy Drink

by Prospect Beverages Limited

Official Brand Overview

The brand name ‘Knetic Energy’ says it all! The design and name tells the consumer exactly what it is. Knetic Energy has taken the Middle East market by storm and continues to grow rapidly in volume and regional distribution. Consumers show a distinct preference for Knetic over other energy drink brands. Knetic Energy is deliberately presented in a bottle rather than the ubiquitous can that all other energy drinks are in. Necking from the bottle is in and cool. Drinking from a can, at a bar, is out. The product contains caffeine, Guarana and Tea Extracts to deliver a potent ‘kick’ to the system. It does not contain the disparate mix of ingredients found in many other energy drinks – which are now receiving some serious concern in the media and amongst the user group. Knetic delivers a great taste – refreshing yet complex. It is lightly carbonated, designed to effervesce in the mouth.

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Please note: this brand is no longer on the market.
