Enterade: enterade-S

by Enterade USA, LLC

Product Type

Sports Drinks: Fitness and Supplement Drinks


8oz Plastic

Nutritional Info

Nutritional information is not available for this product.


Ingredients are not available for this product.

Bevnet Rating
2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars2 stars

Review: enterade-S

Posted: Dec 13, 2012 at 12:00 AM (Last Updated: Dec 17, 2012 at 12:36 PM)
Billed as “hydration by science,” enterade is a dietary supplement that is loaded with amino acids and electrolytes. And that’s really all that’s in it, aside from water, natural flavor, and sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda). The result is something that is truly difficult to drink, with a flavor that’s devoid of any sweetness. The flavor is pretty much that of salt water, but with an almost metallic note. That said, it’s hard to imagine the type of drinker that would routinely purchase a product like this. Surely, it’s not the casual drinker seeking hydration. Visually, we think they could do a much better job with this product. The 8 oz. bottle looks like a miniature sports drink, which is fine, but the grey and yellow color scheme isn’t overly appealing to the eyes and, in certain places, is difficult to read. Overall, Enterade is a product that might have something unique and meaningful, but unless they improve the flavor and branding, we think it will be a tough sell.
