Next10 Energy Launches a New “Smart Energy” Beverage

Smart energy beverage products represent a new category in the functional/energy drink market category. Smart energy beverages are different than many of the energy drinks on the market today.

Today’s energy drinks offer large quantities of caffeine and toxic B vitamin levels with the associated side effects and complications. Many individuals who consume these products suffer from increased anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and in extreme cases, can develop heart problems, palpitations, gastrointestinal distress, and neurologic damage.

There is a solution to this problem. Smart energy products like Next10 Energy are designed to avoid these toxic effects and offer a safer alternative. Functional beverages like Next10 Energy are designed for individuals who are looking to increase or boost cognitive performance without the caffeine rush and associated side effects.

Next10 Energy was designed by a brain specialist (neurosurgeon) who decided to introduce a functional energy beverage designed for hard-working individuals that are looking to experience enhanced focus and concentration without negative side effects associated with excessive caffeine and B vitamin levels.

Whether you’re a student, brain surgeon, concert pianist, world-class skier, or a great soccer mom, Next10 Energy was designed with your needs and safety in mind. Learn more about Next10 Energy by visiting our website

Next10 Energy is the next generation of functional energy drink. Designed to meet the working needs of everyday life, Next10 Energy is the answer. So after your first Next10, have another.

Next10 Energy—
“When It’s Time to Perform”