Caveman Coffee

by Caveman Coffee Co.

Review: Caveman Nitro Cold-Brew

Posted: Oct 05, 2016 at 5:29 PM (Last Updated: Oct 05, 2016 at 5:29 PM)
Caveman Nitro Cold-Brew

Covers Products: Caveman Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Caveman Coffee is a third wave coffee company that was founded by health conscious competitive athletes. As the name implies, there’s a strong paleo diet and “biohacking” bent to the company and a big part of what they do comes from their supporting products, which include coconut MCT oil and cacao butter.

This product, which is a ready-to-drink cold brew coffee infused with nitrogen, can either be consumed alone or mixed with one of their other products. For the purposes of this review, we’re evaluating the product simply as a standalone, much the same way that we review any other cold brew coffee.

The coffee itself is very smooth and clean, which is what we always appreciate about a well-crafted cold brew. The coffee itself is a Villa Myriam single estate coffee that’s roasted in small batches in Albuquerque, NM. They’ve also added nitrogen, but it’s not as assertive as we’ve seen in some offerings out there. Still, it adds that fluffy texture to the product and the overall experience is quite enjoyable.  

Packaging, which is an 8 oz. short can, is unique, at least in so much as there are currently no other cold brew coffees using this particular can format. The can design is busy, but straightforward, aside from the words “blend with Caveman MCT.” While this is part of a larger sentence that wraps the can, it does, at least on the first quick glance that you’ll have, make it seem as though there’s MCT in this product even though there isn’t.

So here’s where we stand on Caveman’s ready to drink nitro cold-brew: it’s tasty and it’s clean, but does it have enough to really stand out? That’s the part that we’re not totally sure of, especially given where the category is at competitively. However, if the company wants to be all about MCT or some sort of enhanced experience, we wonder if putting it all into one package -- or at least offering that as part of a larger brand strategy -- wouldn’t be an approach to consider.

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